Following the events of The Batman (2022), Oz Cobb, a.k.a. the Penguin, makes a play to seize the reins of the crime world in Gotham.
I know that many people, especially girls, want so much to see Colin Farrell playing macho guy but, after the huge debacle of “Alexander” (2004) and after roles he had in “The Way Back” (2010) or “The North Water” (2021), it became obvious Colin’s capability to transform into criminals of any sort. More realistic, more unrealistic, doesn’t matter, he simply dive into the character and become one. Fantastic ability to transform!
The Penguin series so far has great reviews and it really looks promising. I can’t say if it will justify this current rating after all. But even if it proves as just a mediocre one, it will be worth to watch only because of Farrell’s great performance!